- Voice Discovery

As adolescence dawned and puberty took its hold on me, my voice experienced a dramatic transformation. Unfortunately, this change left me feeling timid as my altered voice often startled or amused those around me. Consequently, throughout my teenage years, I found myself retreating into shyness.

As I matured, I began to recognize the value of my distinctive voice, particularly with the way my female peers and other young women reacted to it. This revelation was immensely empowering for my teenage self.

Picture me during those years, speaking decent English with a rich baritone—quite a spectacle! The resonance of my voice never seized to send chills of delight to the ladies. Coupled with my modest singing ability, I felt justified in basking in both talents.

This status quo persisted until college, when I got tired of the predictable compliments like, “You have a nice voice!” or “Wow! I love your voice.” While appreciative, I yearned for deeper validation of my vocal prowess. I felt there was more to this voice.

Then, one fateful day in my sophomore year, a friend invited me to audition for a jingle production agency. Encouraged by my singing talent, I took the leap.

To my surprise, I was selected as a new vocalist. However, it was the agency head’s suggestion that I explore voice-overs that marked a pivotal moment in my journey.

Thus began my foray into the world of voice-over artistry. From that nerve-wracking recording session in 2002 for a brand to the present day, I have never looked back, consistently leveraging my voice to earn a lucrative income.

This marked the genesis of my quest to discover my true voice.

Here are the key insights gleaned from my journey into the voice-over industry, encapsulated in what I term the “5 D’s” for progress in the voice over industry:

DEVOUR : Immersion is paramount when venturing into any industry, especially one as nuanced as voice-over. Embrace every opportunity to learn through reading, research, training, and engaging in creative discourse to gain a comprehensive understanding of the field.

DISCOVER: Identify who you are and where you fit within the industry . While many aspire to excel as voice-over artists, true success lies in discovering where your strengths lie—whether it be in languages, character interpretation and even voice project management . Embrace your uniqueness to shine in the competitive landscape.

DEDICATE: Practice without ceasing. In the digital age, honing your craft has never been easier. Whether through self-directed drills or with the guidance of a professional voice coach, commit to continuous improvement.

DISPLAY: Don’t hide your talent. Leverage digital platforms to showcase your portfolio and reach a global audience. Treat your social media profiles as virtual shop windows, enticing potential clients with samples of your work.

DISTINGUISH: Establish your brand identity. In a crowded marketplace, differentiation is key. Identify what sets your voice apart and accentuate it. Just as Porky Pig’s distinct stutter distinguishes him from Daffy Duck, embrace your uniqueness to capture attention.

In conclusion, finding your voice is not merely about vocal resonance; it’s about discovering your distinctiveness and leveraging it to captivate audiences.

These principles guided me in starting Africa’s pioneer learning hub for voice over talents —The Voice Over Academy—and Africa’s largest pool of professional voice-over talents—The Voice Over Bank. Our vision is to elevate African voice talents onto the global stage and raise awareness of an industry that significantly contributes to the creative economy.

Since our inception in 2017, we’ve empowered over 750 individuals, with many garnering global recognitions. Today, a significant portion of top voices and content creators in Nigeria are talents trained at our academy.

Driven by a passion to unlock the potential of this powerful communication tool, I have turned my own setbacks into opportunities for others. Through initiatives like the Voice Over Bank, we’ve provided voice over work opportunities for numerous graduates, including collaborations with multinational corporations.

Excited by the progress made in Nigeria and across Africa, I eagerly anticipate future global partnerships that will continue to transform the lives of countless voice talents.

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